
  • Hashrate Token: Hashrate tokens represent a predetermined amount of computing power controlled by the token issuer. They are produced for investors who want indirect exposure to mining.

  • pToken: pTokens are different standardized hashrate tokens of MINE Network like pBTCM for the Bitcoin standard hashrate token, pETHM for the Ethereum standard hashrate token, pFILM for the Filecoin standard hashrate token, pLTCM for the Litecoin standard hashrate token. pTokens represent the corresponding amount of Hashrate in the MINE Network standardized mining pool. So, for example, if 1 pBTCM is anchored to 1 tera hashes per second (Th/s) standard Hashrate, holding 5 pBTCM tokens means having 5 tera hashes per second (Th/s)

  • MNET Token: MNET token, the network's conductor, is the core utility token that feeds the network's value and consolidates the interest of all the network participants by the form of governance. All transactions on the MINE Network blockchain will require MNET tokens to pay for fees and commissions.

  • wToken: Synthetic wrapped tokens deployed for all miners who have staked their pTokens as mining rewards. The wToken are tokens issued on the MINE Network blockchain and are anchored to the tokens produced by MINE Network standard mining pool at a 1:1 ratio. T

  • Oracle: Third-party services that provide smart contracts with outside information. They bridge the outside world with the blockchains.

  • Mining Rewards Oracle: Substrate's OCW will be implemented to build a Mining Rewards Oracle used for storing off-chain expenses and on-chain outputs for standardization mining pools.

  • Standardized Mining Pools: An aggregation of miners working together over a network and getting rewarded for the amount of power each contributes instead of whether or not they find a block.

  • Polkadot: A multi-chain sharded architecture in which external networks and customized layer one "parachains" can communicate with each other, resulting in an interconnected internet.

  • Mini-Miners: The miners who purchase and implement their pTokens within MINE Network's cross-chain eco-system.

  • Cross-Chain: Interoperability between two or more independent blockchains.

  • DAO: A decentralized autonomous organization offers its users a model for the collective management of its code which is built into the software itself. The organization's members control it; a central government does not influence it.

  • Substrate: A modular framework that allows you to create purpose-built blockchains by gathering custom and/or pre-built components.

  • Parachain: A application-specific data structure that is extensively coherent and validatable by validators of the Relay Chain.

  • PLO: Parachain Lease Offering provides a unique method for supporters to fund projects slots on the Kusama or Polkadot network.

Last updated

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